IMO 1971

Problem A2

Let P1 be a convex polyhedron with vertices A1, A2, ... , A9. Let Pi be the polyhedron obtained from P1 by a translation that moves A1 to Ai. Prove that at least two of the polyhedra P1, P2, ... , P9 have an interior point in common.



The result is false for 8 vertices - for example, the cube. We get 8 cubes, with only faces in common, forming a cube 8 times as large.

This suggests a trick. Each Pi is contained in D, the polyhedron formed from P1 by doubling the scale. Take A1 as the origin and take the vertex Bi to have twice the coordinates of Ai. Given a point X inside P1, the midpoint of PiX must lie in P1 by convexity. Hence the point with doubled coordinates, which is obtained by adding the coordinates of Ai to the coordinates of X, lies in D. In other words every point of Pi lies in D. But the volume of D is 8 times the volume of P1, which is less than the sum of the volumes of P1, ... , P9.


Solutions are also available in:   Samuel L Greitzer, International Mathematical Olympiads 1959-1977, MAA 1978, and in   István Reiman, International Mathematical Olympiad 1959-1999, ISBN 189-8855-48-X.


13th IMO 1971

© John Scholes
8 Oct 1998
Last updated/corrected 14 Mar 03