IMO 1991

Problem B2

Let ABC be a triangle and X an interior point of ABC. Show that at least one of the angles XAB, XBC, XCA is less than or equal to 30o.



By Marcin Mazur, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Let P, Q, R be the feet of the perpendiculars from X to BC, CA, AB respectively. Use A, B, C to denote the interior angles of the triangle (BAC, CBA, ACB). We have PX = BX sin XBC = CX sin(C - XCA), QX = CX sin XCA = AX sin(A - XAB), RX = AX sin XAB = BX sin(B - XBC). Multiplying: sin(A - XAB) sin(B - XBC) sin(C - XCA) = sin A sin B sin C.

Now observe that sin(A - x)/sin x = sin A cot x - cos A is a strictly decreasing function of x (over the range 0 to π), so if XAB, XBC and XCA are all greater than 30, then sin(A - 30) sin(B - 30o) sin(C - 30o) > sin330o = 1/8.

But sin(A - 30o) sin(B - 30o) = (cos(A - B) - cos(A + B - 60o))/2 ≤ (1 - cos(A + B - 60o))/2 = (1 - sin(C - 30o))/2, since (A - 30o) + (B - 30o) + (C - 30o) = 90o. Hence sin(A - 30o) sin(B - 30o) sin(C - 30o) ≤ 1/2 (1 - sin(C - 30o)) sin(C - 30o) = 1/2 (1/4 - (sin(C - 30o) - 1/2)2) ≤ 1/8. So XAB, XBC, XCA cannot all be greater than 30o.

By Jean-Pierre Ehrmann

P, Q, R as above. Area ABX + area BCX + area CAX = area ABC, so AB·XR + BC·XP + CA·XQ = 2 area ABC ≤ BC·AP ≤ BC(AX + XP). Hence AB·XR/AX + CA·XQ/AX ≤ BC.

Squaring and using (λ + μ)2 ≥ 4 λμ, we have: BC2 ≥ 4 AB·CA. XR·XQ/AX2. Similarly: CA2 ≥ 4 BC·AB·XP·XR/BX2, and AB2 ≥ 4 AB·BC·XQ·XP/CX2.

Multiplying these three inequalities together gives: 1 ≥ 64 (XR/AX)2(XP/BX)2(XQ/CX)2, and hence: (XR/AX) (XP/BX) (XQ/CX) ≤ 1/8, or sin XAB sin XBC sin XCA ≤ 1/8. So not all XAB, XBC, XCA are greater than 30o.

Gerard Gjonej noted that the result follows almost immediately from the Erdos-Mordell inequality: XA + XB + XC ≥ 2(XP + XQ + XR). [For if all the angles are greater than 30, then XR/XA, XP/XB, XQ/XC are all greater than sin 30o = 1/2.]. This result was notoriously hard to prove - Erdos hawked it around a large number of mathematicians before Mordell found a proof - but the proof now appears fairly innocuous, at least if you do not have to rediscover it:

Let R1, Q1 be the feet of the perpendiculars from P to AB, CA respectively. Similarly, let P2, R2 be the feet of the perpendiculars from Q to BC, AB, and Q3, P3 the feet of the perpendiculars from R to CA, BC. Then P2P3 is the projection of QR onto BC, so P2P3/QR ≤ 1. Similarly, Q3Q1/RP ≤ 1, and R1R2/PQ ≤ 1. Hence XA + XB + XC ≥ XA.P2P3/QR + XB·Q3Q1/RP + XC·R1R2/PQ  (*)

Now BPXR is cyclic, because BPX and XRB are both right angles. Hence angle BXR = angle BPR = angle RPP3, so triangles XBR and PRP3 are similar. Hence PP3 = PR.XR/XB.

Similarly, QQ1 = QP·XP/XC, RR2 = RQ·XQ/XA, and PP2 = PQ·XQ/XC, QQ3 = QR·XR/XA, RR1 = RP·XP/XB. Substituting into (*), we obtain:

On the right hand side, the terms involving XP are: XP( QP/RP XB/XC + RP/PQ XC/XB ), which has the form XP (x + 1/x) and hence is at least 2 XP. Similarly for the terms involving XQ and XR.


Solutions are also available in   István Reiman, International Mathematical Olympiad 1959-1999, ISBN 189-8855-48-X.


32nd IMO 1991

© John Scholes
7 Sep 1999