3rd Putnam 1940

Problem A7

ai and bi are real, and ∑1 ai2 and ∑1 bi2 converge. Prove that ∑1 (ai - bi)p converges for p ≥ 2.



Moderately easy.

Notice first that it is sufficient to prove the result for p = 2. For that is equivalent to the statement that ∑ |ai - bi|2 converges. Hence for sufficiently large i, |ai - bi| < 1, and hence |ai - bi|p ≤ |ai - bi|2. So ∑ (ai - bi)p is absolutely convergent and hence convergent.

(ai - bi)2 = ai2 - 2aibi + bi2. The only tricky part is the middle term. It may be positive, so we cannot simply argue that 0 ≤ (ai - bi)2 ≤ ai2 + bi2. However, it is true that 0 ≤ (ai - bi)2 = 2ai2 + 2bi2 - (ai + bi)2 ≤ 2ai2 + 2bi2. That suffices, since ∑ ai2 and ∑ bi2 are absolutely convergent, hence also ∑ (2ai2 + 2bi2).  


3rd Putnam 1940

© John Scholes
15 Sep 1999