4th Putnam 1941

Problem B2

(1) limn→∞1≤i≤n 1/√(n2 + i2);
(2) limn→∞1≤i≤n 1/√(n2 + i);
(3) limn→∞1≤i≤n2 1/√(n2 + i);



(1) 1/√(n2 + i2) = (1/n) / √(1 + (i/n)2). So the sum is just a Riemann sum for the integral ∫01 dx/√(1 + x2) = sinh-11 = ln(1 + √2) = 0.8814.

(2) 1/√(n2 + i) = (1/n) / √(1 + i/n2). Each term is less than 1/n, so the (finite) sum is less than 1. But each term is at least (1/n) / √(1 + 1/n). So the sum is at least 1/√(1 + 1/n), which tends to 1. Hence the limit of the sum is 1.

(3) 1/√(n2 + i) = n (1/n2) / √(1 + i/n2). Now ∑ (1/n2) / √(1 + i/n2) is just a Riemann sum for ∫01 dx/√(1 + x) = 2√(1 + x) |01 = 2(√2 - 1). So the sum given tends to 2(√2 - 1) n, which diverges to infinity. [Or simpler, there are n2 terms, each at least 1/√(2n2) = 1/(n √2 ), so the sum is at least n/√2 which diverges.]



4th Putnam 1941

© John Scholes
5 Mar 2002