40th Putnam 1979

Problem B6

zi are complex numbers. Show that |Re[ (z12 + z22 + ... + zn2)1/2 ]| ≤ |Re z1| + |Re z2| + ... + |Re zn|.



Let zk = xk + i yk, and let (z12 + z22 + ... + zn2)1/2 = a + ib.

Then, squaring, a2 - b2 = ∑ xk2 - ∑ yk2 (1), ab = ∑ xkyk (2). The Cauchy inequality gives that |∑ xkyk| ≤ ( ∑ xk2 )1/2 ( ∑ yk2 )1/2, so from (1) we have |ab| ≤ ( ∑ xk2 )1/2 ( ∑ yk2 )1/2 (3). If |a| > ( ∑ xk2 )1/2, then from (3) |b| < ( ∑ yk2 )1/2. But then a2 - b2 > ∑ xk2 - ∑ yk2, contradicting (1). So we must have that |a| ≤ ( ∑ xk2 )1/2. The required result follows immediately since obviously ( ∑ |xk| )2 ≥ ∑ xk2.



40th Putnam 1979

© John Scholes
4 Dec 1999