32nd IMO 1991 shortlist

Problem 18

What is the largest power of 1991 which divides 1990m + 1992n, where m = 19911992 and n = 19911990?





We show first that for odd h > 1 and k > 0, we have (1 + h)H = 1 + skhk+1, where H = hk and h does not divide sk (in other words hk+1 is the highest power of h dividing (1 + h)H - 1). We use induction on k.

For k = 1, we have (by the binomial theorem): (1 + h)h = 1 + h·h + ½(h-1)h3 + terms in h3 and higher = 1 + h2(1 + bh). So the result is true for k = 1. Suppose it is true for k.

Then taking H' = hk+1, we have (1 + h)H' = (1 + skhk+1)h = 1 + h skhk+1 + ½(h-1) sk2h2k+3 + terms higher than hk+2 = 1 + hk+2(sk + hb'), so it is true for k+1, and hence for all k.

An exactly similar argument shows that hk+1 is the highest power of h dividing (h - 1)H + 1.

Thus 19911991 is the highest power of 1991 dividing 1992n - 1 and 19911993 is the highest power of 1991 dividing 1990m + 1. Hence 19911991 is the highest power of 1991 dividing their sum.



32nd IMO shortlist 1991

© John Scholes
1 Jan 2003
Last corrected/updated 1 Jan 03