33rd IMO 1992 shortlist

Problem 2

a and b are positive reals. Let X be the set of non-negative reals. Show that there is a unique function f:X → X such that f( f(x) ) = b(a + b)x - af(x) for all x.



f(x) = bx



Put u0 = k, un+1 = f(un). Then un+2 - b(a+b)un+1 + aun = 0. That is a standard linear recurrence relation, so we can immediately solve it. The associated quadratic factorises as (x - b)(x + a + b) = 0, so the general solution is un = Abn + B(-a-b)n. Hence un/(a+b)n = A(b/(a+b))n + (-1)nB. But (b/(a+b))n → 0 and lhs is always non-negative. Hence B = 0. So A = k. Hence f(k) = u1 = bk. It is easy to check that this does indeed satisfy the relation given.



33rd IMO shortlist 1992

© John Scholes
25 Nov 2003
Last updated/corrected 25 Nov 2003