28th USAMO 1999

Problem B1

A set of n > 3 real numbers has sum at least n and the sum of the squares of the numbers is at least n2. Show that the largest positive number is at least 2.



Let the numbers be x1, x2, ... , xn. Notice first that x1 = x2 = ... = xn-1 = 2, xn = 2 - n, gives ∑ xi = (n - 1)2 + (2 - n) = n, ∑ xi2 = (n - 1)4 + (4 - 4n + n2) = n2, so the inequality is best possible.

Suppose the result is false. So we have a set of numbers with S xi ≥ n, ∑ xi2 ≥ n2 and max xi < 2. At least one of the numbers must be negative, since otherwise we have n ≥ 4, so n2 ≥ 4n > ∑ xi2. Contradiction. This allows us to assume that ∑ xi = n, for if it is greater, we may just decrease a negative xi until it becomes true (∑ xi2 will be increased, so it will remain at least n2).

Now suppose two of the xi, namely x and y, are less than 2. Then if we replace them by 2 and x + y - 2, the sum is unaffected and the sum of squares is increased by 2(2 - x)(2 - y). Since we start with all the xi less than 2, we may do this repeatedly until we reach a set with all the numbers 2 except one. Since the sum is unchanged, the other number must be 2 - n, and, as shown above, that makes the sum of the squares n2. But we have increased the sum of the squares at each step. Contradiction.



28th USAMO 1999

© John Scholes
11 May 2002