1st VMO 1962

Problem 3

ABCD is a tetrahedron. A' is the foot of the perpendicular from A to the opposite face, and B' is the foot of the perpendicular from B to the opposite face. Show that AA' and BB' intersect iff AB is perpendicular to CD. Do they intersect if AC = AD = BC = BD?



Let the ray AB' meet CD at X and the ray BA' meet CD at Y. If AB' and A'B intersect, then X = Y. Let L be the line through A' parallel to CD. Then L is perpendicular to AA'. Hence CD is perpendicular to AA'. Similarly, let L' be the line through B' parallel to CD. Then L' is perpendicular to BB', and hence CD is perpendicular to BB'. So CD is perpendicular to two non-parallel lines in the plane ABX. Hence it is perpendicular to all lines in the plane ABX and, in particular, to AB.

Suppose conversely that AB is perpendicular to CD. Consider the plane ABY. CD is perpendicular to AB and to AA', so CD is perpendicular to the plane. Similarly CD is perpendicular to the plane ABX. But it can only be perpendicular to a single plane through AB. Hence X = Y and so AA' and BB' belong to the same plane and therefore meet.



1st VMO 1962

© John Scholes
8 July 2002