39th IMO 1998 shortlist

Problem C4

If A is a permutation of 1, 2, 3, ... , n and B is a subset of {1, 2, ... , n}, then we say that A splits B if we can find three elements of A such that the middle element does not belong to B, but the outer two do. For example, the permutation 13542 of 12345 splits {1, 2, 3} (because, for example, 4 appears between 3 and 2) but it does not split {3, 4, 5}. Show that if we take any n-2 subsets of {1, 2, ... , n}, each with at least 2 and at most n-1 elements, then there is a permutation of 1, 2, ... , n which splits all of them.



Induction on n. For n = 3, we have to split just one subset of two elements {i, j}. That is achieved by i k j.

Suppose the result is true for n. Suppose that S is a collection of n-1 subsets of {1, 2, ... , n+1} each with at least 2 and at most n elements. We show first that we can find an element k which belongs to all the n-element members of S and at most one of the 2-element members of S. Suppose S contains m 2-element members and m' n-element members. Then n+1-m' numbers belong to all the n-element members. At most m numbers can appear in more than one 2-element members, so at least n+1-m-m' > 1 numbers appear in all the n-element members of S and at most one of the 2-element members.

Relabeling if necessary we may assume that n+1 is such a number. If we remove it, then all the n-element members of S become (n-1)-element members and at most one member of S becomes a singleton. If there is a singleton, then we can find a permutation of 1, 2, ... , n which splits the other n-2 members of S. If we then put n+1 anywhere in the permutation except adjacent to the singleton element, then that 2-member element of S is also split, so the permutation splits all elements of S. If there is no singleton, then we can take a permutation of 1, 2, ... , n which splits n-2 of the members of S. If the last member L of S does not contain n+1, then we can place n+1 in the permutation between two members of S, that ensures that L is split. If L contains n+1, then there must be some number i which is not in L and another number j which is in L. Place n+1 in the permutation on the opposite side of i to j. Then i lies between n+1 and j. So the permutation splits L. That completes the induction.



39th IMO shortlist 1998

© John Scholes
30 Aug 2002