39th IMO 1998 shortlist

Problem G8

ABC is a triangle with angle A = 90o. The tangent at A to the circumcircle meets the line BC at D. E is the reflection of A in BC. X is the foot of the perpendicular from A to BE. Y is the midpoint of AX. The line BY meets the circumcircle again at Z. Show that BD is tangent to the circumcircle of ADZ.



We call the two diagrams case (1) and case (2).

Let AG be a diameter of the circumcircle of ABC and let AE meet BC at H. We show first ∠AZH = 90o. ∠AEG = ∠AXB = 90o. In case (1), ∠AGE = ∠ABE = ∠ABX. In case (2), ∠AGE = 180o - ∠ABE = ∠ABX. So in both cases triangles AGE and ABX are similar. So ∠GAE = ∠BAX and GA/BA = AE/AX = 2AH/2AY = AH/AY. So triangles AGH and ABY are similar. So ∠AGH = ∠ABY. But ∠ABY = ∠ABZ (same angle) = ∠AGZ. So ∠AGH = ∠AGZ and hence G, H, Z are collinear. So ∠AZH = ∠AZG = 90o (since AG is a diameter).

So ∠DHZ = 90o - ∠AHZ = ∠HAZ = ∠EAZ. But DE is the reflection of DA in the line BC, so it is also a tangent to the circumcircle of ABC and hence ∠EAZ = ∠DEZ. So ∠DHZ = ∠DEZ, so DZHE is cyclic. Hence ∠ZDH = ∠ZEH = angle ZEA = ∠DAZ (since DA is tangent). Hence HD is tangent to the circle through ADZ.



39th IMO shortlist 1998

© John Scholes
30 Aug 2002