3rd USAMO 1974

Problem 2

Show that for any positive reals x, y, z we have xxyyzz ≥ (xyz)a, where a is the arithmetic mean of x, y, z.



Without loss of generality x ≥ y ≥ z. We have xxyy ≥ xyyx, because that is equivalent to (x/y)x ≥ (x/y)y which is obviously true. Similarly yyzz ≥ yzzy and zzxx ≥ zxxz. Multiplying these three together we get (xxyyzz)x ≥ xy+zyz+xzx+y. Multiplying both sides by xxyyzz gives (xxyyzz)3 ≥ (xyz)3a. Taking cube roots gives the required result.



3rd USAMO 1974

© John Scholes
19 Aug 2002